Math Tutoring Center

Male and female students smile toward camera as they sit in the Stevens Center courtyard in the sun

The Math Tutoring Center is for ANYONE taking a MATH course at WSU.

Welcome to the Math Tutoring Center at WSU! We are a DROP-IN center, no appointment is necessary during the regular school year.

Our center offers expert math tutoring for students in MATH100 and MATH200 level courses. We can provide help in precalculus, calculus, elementary statistics, and more.  If you need help with MATH coursework, don't hesitate to stop by WILSON 317. We are dedicated to helping WSU students do their best and feel more capable and confident in their math courses. 

Follow this link for our most up to date schedule:

Coordinator and Tutor: Cathy McKenzie

Student Tutors: Sophia Moccio, Julianna Zemba, Kyle Morandi, Sara Money

***on Wednesdays a specialized tutor for MATH 153, 250, 254 will be available from 12-1:30pm***

FALL 2024 

Monday:  9 am - 4 pm 

Tuesday:  9 am - 6 pm

Wednesday:  9 am - 6 pm 

Thursday: 9 am - 6 pm

Friday: 9 am - 4 pm

Courtney and Campus Green in Fall

Contact us

Math Tutoring Center
Wilson 317