Kelly McKeown
Joined Westfield State University in 2010.
B.S., McGill University, Montreal, Canada, Physics and Physiology
M.S., University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Biomechanics
Ph.D., University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Molecular and Cellular Biology
Courses Taught
Anatomy and Physiology
Human Biology
Medical Genetics
Areas of Research
Genes regulating the development of locomotion using zebrafish as a model system
Kinematic analysis using high speed video (Humans AND Zebrafish)
McKeown,K.A., Moreno, R., Hall, V.L., Ribera, A.B., and Downes, G.B. Disruption of eaat2b, a glutamate transporter, results in abnormal motor behaviors in developing zebrafish. Developmental Biology 362(2): 162-171, 2012.
McKeown, K.A., Downes, G.B., Hutson, L.D. Modular laboratory exercises to analyze the development of zebrafish motor behavior. Zebrafish. 6(2):179-85, 2009.
Hirai,T., McKeown, K.A., Gomes, R.F.M., and Bates, J.H.T. Effects of lung volume on lung and chest wall mechanics in rats. Journal of Applied Physiology. 86: 16-21, 1999.
Professional Service
Selected Presentations:
- McKeown, K.A., How Does Technotrousers Regulate Locomotor Network Development? International Zebrafish Conference, Madison, WI June 2010
- McKeown, K. A., Brown, C. D., Chu, J., Hamill, J., Lower Extremity Coordination over a Fatiguing Run. Proceedings for the XVIII Congress, International Society of Biomechanics, Zurich, Switzerland, June 2001